Are you interested in Taiji Quan (Tai Chi Chuan)?
Our video library is massive. Most members start their journey through home study. Yet we also have a growing USA Instructor base where you may find personal instruction available near you.
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The following instructional videos are a simple way to begin your journey.
Taiji Quan (Tai Chi Chuan)
The heart and substance of Tai Chi is found in the original form as taught by it's founder Yang Lu’Ch’an. This form was known as H’ao Ch’uan (roughly translated as loose boxing/fighting). Today we refer to this as the“Old Yang” or “Yang Lu-ch’an” (YLC) form.
Eli Montaigue has prepared an exceptionally informative video series on the complete YLC form. The first ten lessons are absolutely FREE and can be viewed below.
Eli performs the complete first third of the YLC form at a basic level:
Tai Chi has many components to training besides it's YLC form. Some of these are Medical Taiji, Push Hands, Chee Sau (taiji's sticky hands), Small and Large San-Sau/Pauchui (two person fighting drills), Da-Lu (the great repulse), Har-Ch'uan, Fa-jing (explosive striking), Dim-Mak (death touch), Weapons, etc.
Push Hands Basics